How to Overcome Anxiety


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You enter a large room crowded with strangers. Everyone seems to know somebody except you. You wonder if others can see how anxious you are, how out of place you feel. As you entertain such thoughts, your heart begins to race, and your palms begin to sweat. Your head feels encased in shrink-wrap. You feel an urge to bolt from the room.

Anxiety is part of our natural defensive system – a close cousin to fear. With fear, however, the threat is more readily identifiable. For instance, someone is waving a gun. A dog is barking, crashing against the fence.

Like fear, anxiety is the body’s red warning light that something is amiss. The brain releases adrenaline. The pupils dilate. The heart pumps out blood like an engine on steroids, gearing the body to stand up and fight, or perhaps to run faster than we ever imagined.

A manageable amount of anxiety can actually enhance our performance — by motivating us to prepare for a test, to drive with care, or to gird ourselves for a difficult confrontation. Anxiety also might carry important information. For instance, if I’m anxious at home, it might be helpful to reflect on what’s wrong in order to figure out ways to change it. Perhaps my roommate makes me uncomfortable or maybe I need to have a conversation I’ve been avoiding. The problem, however, is when our anxiety becomes disproportionate to the situation or is so paralyzing that we are unable to perform.

Anxiety is a common feeling usually involving worry about the future. It can range from a vague feeling of uneasiness and discomfort to intense feeling or terror and impending doom. Anxiety produces an increase in various physiological and mental processes. That increase can motivate us to more thoroughly prepare for performance situations like examinations and athletic competition, but it can also become so intense that it interferes with our ability to function normally in every day activities.  Constant anxiety may signal an anxiety disorder.

How to overcome and reduce anxiety:

Since some anxiety is natural and normal, the goal of any treatment is not to eliminate anxiety but to lessen it. Some strategies are very simple and easily learned. Other avenues are traversed gradually and entail a process of self discovery, with or without a professional guide.

One way to overcome anxiety is to cultivate feelings and experiences that are incompatible with it. For instance, experiences that build up feelings of self-confidence, well-being, and relaxation offer an antidote to anxiety. Sometimes simple exposure to anxiety-provoking situations can eventually “extinguish” the anxiety response. For example, if you’re anxious among large groups of people, you might seek out more large social situations. Or if public speaking is your bane, take a class that requires frequent class presentations. Nonetheless, sometimes exposure to what makes us anxious is insufficient or too overwhelming, and then other tools may be needed.

Perhaps the first step in addressing your anxiety is to ask: where is my anxiety coming from? By engaging in a process of reflection, sometimes we can figure out what the problem is and then strategize ways to resolve it.

Whatever regimen you follow, it can help maximize the benefits of your strategy by supplementing your diet with a natural aid to the process. The researchers at A2X Anxiety have formulated a compound, A2X, to naturally aid the body’s defense to anxiety. It works with your body and with your regimen to ensure the greatest amount of success in overcoming anxiety, in the shortest amount of time.

Is There A Cure For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


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The main treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are psychotherapy and medication. A cure for PTSD is unlikely as it is very difficult to determine a causitive agent.

Traumatic events can be very difficult to come to terms with, but confronting your feelings and seeking professional help is often the only way of effectively treating PTSD.

It is possible for PTSD to be successfully treated many years after the traumatic event occurred, which means it is never too late to seek help.


Before attempting to cure Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a detailed assessment of your symptoms will be carried out to ensure treatment is tailored to your individual needs.

Your GP will often carry out an initial assessment, but you will be referred to a mental health specialist for further assessment and treatment if you have had symptoms of PTSD for more than four weeks or your symptoms are severe.

There are a number of mental health specialists you may see if you have PTSD, such as:

a psychologist – an expert in how the mind works
a community psychiatric nurse – a nurse who specializes in mental healthcare
a psychiatrist – a mental health specialist who diagnoses and treats mental health conditions

Watchful waiting

If you have mild symptoms of PTSD, or you have had symptoms for less than four weeks, an approach called watchful waiting may be recommended.

Watchful waiting involves carefully monitoring your symptoms to see whether they improve or get worse. It is sometimes recommended because 2 in every 3 people who develop problems after a traumatic experience will get better without treatment within a few weeks.

If watchful waiting is recommended, you should have a follow-up appointment within one month.


If you have PTSD that requires treatment, psychotherapy is usually recommended first. A combination of psychotherapy and an herbal dietary supplement may be recommended If you have severe or persistent PTSD.

Psychotherapy is a type of therapy often used to treat emotional problems and mental health conditions such as PTSD, depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder.

The treatment is carried out by trained mental health professionals who will listen to you and help you come up with effective strategies to resolve your problems.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that aims to help you manage your problems by changing how you think and act.

Trauma-focused CBT uses a range of psychological treatment techniques to help you come to terms with the traumatic event and attempt to cure Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

For example, your therapist may ask you to confront your traumatic memories by thinking about your experience in detail. During this process your therapist will help you cope with any distress you feel, while identifying any unhelpful thoughts or misrepresentations you have about the experience.

By doing this, your therapist can help you gain control of your fear and distress by changing the negative way you think about your experience, such as feeling that you are to blame for what happened or fear that it may happen again.

You may also be encouraged to gradually restart any activities you have avoided since your experience, such as driving a car if you had an accident.

You will usually have 8-12 weekly sessions of trauma-focused CBT, although fewer may be needed if the treatment starts within one month of the traumatic event. Sessions where the trauma is discussed will last for around 90 minutes.

Dietary Supplement

It may also increase your chances of success if you choose a healthy anti-anxiety supplement to aid the CBT process. Researchers at A2X Anxiety have formulated a compound specifically to help combat the symptoms of PTSD. A2X is available online, and some trials may also still be available.

The Link Between Anxiety And Depression


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Most people feel anxious from time to time. However, anxiety can become abnormal if it interferes with your day-to-day activities. It can often be treated. Treatments include various talking treatments, medication and herbal remedies. These treatments are very important, especially if anxiety contributes to a depression disorder

What is anxiety?
When you are anxious you feel fearful and tense. In addition you may also have one or more unpleasant physical symptoms. For example, you might have a fast heart rate, a thumping heart (palpitations), feeling sick, shaking (tremor), sweating, dry mouth, chest pain, headaches, fast breathing.

The physical symptoms are partly caused by the brain which sends lots of messages down nerves to various parts of the body when you are anxious. The nerve messages tend to make the heart, lungs, and other parts of the body work faster. In addition, you release stress hormones (such as adrenaline) into the bloodstream when you are anxious. These can also act on the heart, muscles and other parts of the body to cause symptoms.

Anxiety is normal in stressful situations, and can even be helpful. For example, most people will be anxious when threatened by an aggressive person, or before an important event. The burst of adrenaline and nerve impulses which we have in response to stressful situations can encourage a ‘fight or flight’ response.

Anxiety is abnormal if it (a) is out of proportion to the stressful situation, (b) persists when a stressful situation has gone, or the stress is minor, (c) leads to a vicious cycle of depression and depressive thoughts, or (d) appears for no apparent reason when there is no stressful situation.

Mixed Anxiety and Depression
In some people, anxiety can be a symptom when you have depression. Other symptoms of depression include low mood, feelings of sadness, sleep problems, poor appetite, irritability, poor concentration, decreased sex drive, loss of energy, guilt feelings, headaches, aches, pains, and palpitations. Treatment tends to be aimed mainly at easing depression, and the anxiety symptoms often then ease too.

A2X is a comprehensive herbal supplement produced by the researchers at A2X Anxiety. It is specifically designed to help alleviate the symptoms of both depression and anxiety.


A2X Anxiety Treatment

A2X Anxiety Treatment


I Am Experiencing Anxiety Attack


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It can happen to anyone at any time: in the office, shopping center, while driving, or even while one sleeps at night. Suddenly, without any warning, an individual may feel frightened and extremely overwhelmed. All at once it feels as if the world is closing in around them and their anxiety levels rapidly rise. The overwhelming and intense fear and anxiety that the individual feels is seemingly neither justified, nor related to, the present situation. For individuals who have experienced an anxiety attack the experience can be extremely overwhelming and scary. The symptoms of an anxiety attack closely resemble those of a heart attack, but disappear usually within half an hour. When an individual experiences a panic or anxiety attack for the first time they will most likely feel extremely scared and overwhelmed by the experience. It can be extremely scary to feel as if one has lost control of their emotions and anxiety levels.

Usually, anxiety attacks strike without any warning. Often, there is no sound reason for the episode. They may even occur when you’re relaxed or even at night. A panic attack can be a one-time episode, but many people experience repeat panic attacks during their lives. Recurrent panic attacks are usually triggered by a very specific situation, for instance speaking in public, talking to individuals or even just being around crowded places. Typically, the panic-inducing situation is one in which a person feels endangered and cornered. Many times an initial traumatic situation may be the cause of the panic behavior.

The experience of a panic or anxiety attack is viewed as being a manifestation of anxiety that may occur in relation to various other events, experiences, situations, and relationships that cause stress in the individual’s life. For example, an individual experiencing an anxiety attack may be overwhelmed and stressed by family relationships or work. Even though the panic attack may appear to happen during a completely unrelated situation to the major stressor in one’s life the two experiences are strongly linked. If the panic attack happens only once then it is simply an uncomfortable and unsettling experience. If the anxiety attacks recur frequently then it is identified as a condition known as panic disorder. This condition can be completely paralyzing if the person, in addition to suffering from the panic attacks, begins to fear repeat panic attacks in the future. This experience of repeated panic attacks and the fear of potential upcoming panic attacks creates a vicious cycle which leads to increasingly intensified symptoms.

Breaking this cycle can be tremendously difficult. In some cases, it may require medical attention. It is extremely important to include an all-natural anti-anxiety treatment in your daily diet. Researchers at A2X Anxiety have carefully formulated A2X for just such a purpose. Some free trials remain available to anyone who suffers from this horrible disease.


Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety Treatment

Supplement Facts And A2X Reviews


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Supplement of a2x anxiety treatment and the client’s reviews on its uses.

The Dangerous Side of Pharmaceuticals


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Anxiety is a mental condition in which a person experiences uneasiness, distress and a concern or worry about something. It can also be defined as a state of apprehension or fear. Anxiety is a symptom of nearly all psychological and personality disorders and phobias. Anxiety is a common feeling and most of the people experience it at different times of their life. Although anxiety is involuntary, excess can lead to disruption of normal life. Hence, people rely on medications to overcome anxiety symptoms.

Anti-anxiety Medications

As the name suggests, anti-anxiety medications are used to relieve a person of anxiety symptoms. As mentioned above, anxiety can disrupt the normal functioning of life, and hence, many people opt for medications to reduce anxiety symptoms quickly. These medications help in temporarily relieving of the anxiety symptoms but they do not help in uprooting the underlying cause of anxiety. Ironically, some of these medications can have side effects worse than the original condition.

Side Effects

Benzodiazepine is the most popular and commonly used anti-anxiety drug. It is used as a sedative, as a muscle relaxant or for hypnotic effect. This is a very strong drug which can make people fall asleep or uncoordinated even on a lower dosage. One of the most important side effects is addiction to the drug itself. As the patient gains temporary relief from anxiety on taking these drugs, there is a high risk of the person being dependent on them. This is known as psychological addiction. Following are the other side effects:
Impaired thinking
Slow reflex actions
Stomach upset

The most important part of combating anxiety is in treating it in a way as to avoid these severely negative side effects.The researchers at A2X Anxiety have formulated an all natural compound without side effects, dependency, or withdrawal symptoms. The most important step to take in treatment is always the first. Making the right first choice with A2X Anxiety is crucial to combating this paralyzing condition.

The Psychological Plague of the Modern Day


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No one wants to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. That’s because to get PTSD, you have to go through trauma, and many of these traumas can be so painful that they create lasting problems controlling your stress and anxiety levels.

PTSD is possibly the only anxiety disorder that has a known cause. Most other anxiety disorders are caused by an infinite number of factors that can never be truly known and while there may be some events that are a bit more “anxiety causing” than others, the truth is that anxiety is often too complex to narrow down to any specific event.

This is not true of post-traumatic stress disorder. By its very nature, to suffer from PTSD you have to have experienced some sort of traumatic event. This qualification is unique and helps slightly with PTSD treatment because therapists and counselors can target the issue directly.

Still, PTSD isn’t well understood. Most people recognize that it stems from a traumatic event, but what few people realize is how one person can go from controlling their anxiety to suddenly being unable to control their anxiety after a single event. Even though memories of the event itself play a part in PTSD symptoms, the memory itself is not the basis of diagnosis.

PTSD often has triggers that create further anxiety, and those with PTSD may have a lower threshold for further anxiety and stress – meaning, something that causes even a small amount of fear or stress causes a greater amount of fear or stress in someone with PTSD, whose stress baseline is so high that a small addition creates full blown anxiety attacks.

Combating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be a very long and intensive process. The researchers at A2X Anxiety have been at work in conjunction with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques to develop a compound that may assist in the treatment process. A2X helps to regulate key neurotransmitters that can be heavily imbalanced during a PTSD sufferer’s panic attack.

With a combined regimen of A2X and CBT, most PTSD patients can start on a road to recovery.

5 Faces of Anxious Celebrity Throughout History


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More than 40 million adults over the age of 18 in the United States have an anxiety disorder. While the cause of anxiety disorders is unknown, most researchers at A2X Anxiety and scientists believe that a combination of genetics and traumatic or triggering events is the most likely cause for the development of an anxiety disorder.

History has shown that anxiety disorders do not only afflict the common man under pressures of work and financial obligations but reach into elite celebrity as well, including some historical figures.

Take a look below:

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is famously depicted as somber and serious in photographs and descriptions of him throughout history books and historical accounts. Lincoln endured many traumatic events throughout his life, marked by the repeated loss of those close to him. As a young child, he lost his mother, and when he was only 18, he lost his beloved older sister. Lincoln would also lose ten of his twelve children to death, and he often felt inadequate because of a lack of social upbringing and education. These losses and his own feelings of inadequacy manifested in deep anxiety throughout his life and his presidency. Historians and psychiatric researchers typically agree that Lincoln must have suffered from severe generalized anxiety disorders, based on his letters and journals. Lincoln’s diagnosis would not have existed at the time, and he would have had to have found ways to deal with the stress and anxiety he felt as he managed the challenges of his presidency.

Emily Dickinson

It can be difficult to diagnose a psychological condition after someone’s death, particularly for historical figures that lived prior to the twentieth century. Emily Dickinson, born in 1830, is one of America’s most beloved literary figures, and a world famous poetess. Almost as well known as her poetry, however, is Emily Dickinson’s reclusive nature. Through letters and historical records, experts and researchers have determined that Emily Dickinson began to limit her interaction with other people to her family members after leaving Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. Although Emily Dickinson conversed with journalists, other writers, and editors during the time that she lived, she limited the majority of her interaction to letter writing, refusing to meet most of them in person. As she grew older, her own fear of death also seemed to contribute to her increasing lack of interaction with others. Most experts agree that Dickinson suffered from some type of an anxiety disorder, possibly agoraphobia.

Kim Basinger

Kim Basinger’s struggle with anxiety disorders began when she was a child. Basinger suffers from social anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. The condition was so severe when she was a child that her parents thought it was possible that she had autism. She was tested for autism, along with many other psychiatric disorders, but her condition was not diagnosed. Basinger has been very public about her experiences with anxiety disorders, and she appeared in the documentary “Panic: A Film about Coping” produced HBO.

Barbra Streisand

Barbra Streisand is known throughout Hollywood and the music industry for being very reclusive. She is not often seen in public, and, in fact, she would not perform publicly for nearly 30 years out of her career. This 30-year hiatus from public appearances, aside from those for charity, was the result of what happened at a concert that Streisand gave in Central Park in New York City. At the concert, Streisand forgot the lyrics to the song she was singing, and she developed an intense fear of performing in public again and having the same thing happen.

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh has been an interesting case study for psychiatric students throughout the world. There are a number of theories about the extent of van Gogh’s mental health disorders, and most expert agree that the famous artist suffered from a combination of a number of physical and psychiatric diseases. In addition to bipolar disorder and epilepsy, experts often agree that van Gogh suffered from anxiety disorders, and his stay in an asylum in the late nineteenth century noted this as one of van Gogh’s conditions. Additionally, historians also note the documentation of his anxiety in his own letters, where he notes that he has “fits of anxiety” and “attacks” of melancholy. Van Gogh also excessively drank liquor, especially absinthe, and this is possibly a cause of an increase in the severity of his anxiety and other disorders. He is also used in genetic studies and research because of the possible suicide of his younger brother and one of his sister’s schizophrenic diagnosis. Van Gogh ultimately committed suicide in his thirties.

How To Take A2X ?


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For best results, A2X should be taken in the morning with or without food. After the first 14 days, we recommend taking 1 to 2 capsules per day so that the natural ingredients can continue to provide long-term mood support. Proper dosage is highly individual and depends on what works best for you.

What are the ingredients in A2X ?


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Clinical research has shown that the natural ingredients in A2X selectively target low levels of GABA and serotonin in the brain and restore them to proper levels. Regulating your brain’s ability to relax, the natural herbs in A2X can help calm your mind’s natural response to stressful situations.

Here is how each natural ingredient in A2X works:
Passion Flower
Passion Flower has long been heralded for its calming effect on the central nervous system by increasing the levels of the neurotransmitter GABA. Clinical studies show that Passion Flower significantly lowers levels of anxiety in individuals and can help promote a balanced mood.
Long used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine, Ashwagandha has a long standing history as a calming agent on the nervous system. Research suggests that the alkaloids in Ashwagandha Root, particularly Withaferin A, stimulates the brain’s neurotransmitter pathways. This herb also positively affects memory and cognition.
L-Theanine is an amino acid and glutamic acid that is found in green tea leaves and is the primary ingredient that endows them with their soothing properties. According to clinical research, L-Theanine has been shown to reduce both mental and physical stress levels, boost cognition, and improve mood without negative side effects of drowsiness and fatigue.
Vitamin B6 has been linked to the production of the neurotransmitters GABA and serotonin, and is therefore directly linked with the body’s levels of stress and anxiety.
Vitamin B12 is important in maintaining a well-functioning nervous system. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 has been linked to feelings of anxiousness, stress, and anxiety.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays an important role in the function of the body’s enzymes. Studies have found magnesium deficiency is one of the primary causes of insomnia and sleep apnea. Increasing levels of magnesium can help to reduce anxiety and aid in a sound night’s rest.
Calcium is another essential mineral in the formulation of A2X. Aside from its commonly known role in the strength of bones, Calcium is required for proper function of the Limbic System, muscles, and blood vessels.